Full-time £0-£30747 / year
Includes housing
Holy Trinity Wallington (SM6 8BL)
Date posted: 22nd May 2024
Application ends: 23rd June 2024
An exciting, challenging and rewarding new role has opened up at Holy Trinity Wallington for an ordained individual to join our staff team as Associate Vicar in a full-time role More info: https://www.htchurch.uk/contact-us/vacancies/
Holy Trinity has grown significantly over the last 5 years and is now a large, vibrant, varied church family, so we're looking for someone who will be able to join us to: - To share with the Vicar, in the oversight, leadership, teaching and pastoring of Holy Trinity Church, including providing occasional offices - Overseeing our evangelism or discipleship - Overseeing our Men's Ministries & the raising up, development and training of staff and leaders within the Church - Exploring the possibility of 1-2 new church plant/transplant/gospel initiative from Holy Trinity, into the surrounding area.
Key responsibilities 1. To share with the Vicar, in the oversight, leadership, teaching and pastoring of Holy Trinity Church. This will include in the Vicar's absence, undertaking his role and responsibilities. 2. To regularly preach at, lead and preside at corporate acts of worship. 3. To provide occasional offices (baptism, wedding and funerals) as a member of the clergy at Holy Trinity 4. To have ministry leadership responsibilities for: a) Overseeing one of our key areas of ministry: i) engage and explain (evangelism) and export (mission) ministries, or ii) establish and equip (discipleship) b) Overseeing our Men's Ministries to equip and establish men in faith, and help men who aren't believes to be engaged and explained Jesus to c) Having leadership and pastoral responsibility for one Sunday Morning Congregation (9.15am or 11am) or Sunday Evening Service. d) Lead, teach and pastor a Life Group (our home groups) e) Other areas as fit your gifting and experience such as: leading our Pastoral Support Team and ministry so that it enables the church to function as a loving, Jesus centered family. overseeing and training our life group leaders/groups, staff line management, overseeing our Seniors work etc. 5. To oversee the raising up, development and training of staff and leaders within the Church 6. Together with the Vicar and PCC, and in collaboration with other local Anglican, bible believing, orthodox, gospel hearted churches; explore 1-2 new church plant/transplant/gospel initiative from Holy Trinity, into the surrounding area. 7. To play a full part in the worshipping community of the church including being part of a small group and within the staff team which will include the leading of worship, bible study and prayers in staff meetings. Key Skills: 1) Able to equip, resource and train God's people to encourage and empower them to use their gifts. 2) Has the proven ability to encourage growth of the church in numbers and maturity. 3) Able to harness diverse preferences, styles and priorities constructively, in a fruitful unity. 4) Preferably able to teach a broad range of people of different ages, backgrounds, and educational ability. 5) Excellence in communication both written and verbal
The essential qualities of the successful candidate are: Christian Character and Personal Qualities: 1) Have a strong love and commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, be a mature Christian of godly character with a deep love for God's word, God's church, and a desire to serve him wholeheartedly in your whole life, including: a) Has love for people and the Lord, who is humble and seeking to grow in the gifts of the spirit. b) Keeps prayer and learning from scriptures at the heart of his ministry. c) Manages his household well and lives a life of Christian integrity at home and work, in accountable relationships with others. d) Must be willing to stand up and suffer for the gospel. e) Personable, compassionate, and approachable. 2) Your theology accords with what we believe at Holy Trinity: a) You believe in the three historical creeds, which speak of our belief in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. b) You are a convinced Anglican believing the Church of England's 39 Articles with their reminders of the great principles of 'Christ Alone, Scripture Alone, Faith Alone.' c) You believe in the centrality of Christ's penal substitutionary death on the cross and in His bodily resurrection. d) You believe that people are justified and declared righteousness by grace alone through faith alone. e) You believe that the Bible is inerrant and the supreme authority in matters of life and doctrine. f) You believe in the necessity of calling people to repentance and faith in Christ all areas of life. g) You believe that the Holy Spirit brings people to faith and gives gifts to the congregation to equip the church for works of service h) You believe the Church of England Evangelical Council Basis of Faith, particularly around sexuality and gender, which means you believe: i) that God has created humankind male and female, and it is not humanity's place to change that God given identity. ii) in God's creation of marriage as one man and one woman for life, and it cannot be redefined iii) that sexual activity is a gift to be enjoyed only within heterosexual marriage and that, outside of this setting, is not God's good way or will. iv) that singleness is something encouraged by the New Testament and is a fulfilling life like Jesus himself lived; it is not a second-class alternative to marriage. v) Many Christians struggle with sexual temptation (whether same-sex attraction or heterosexual) but forgiveness and grace is for all repentant sinners. vi) In a Biblically Inclusive Church that is "radially welcoming, but radically transformative" where we encourage singleness and marriage alike. i) You believe that men and women are complementary, designed by God to work together as a team; this means you believe that i) men and women are created equal in essence and redeemed equally in salvation but created different in role, not identical. ii) Men and women are created different in role, primarily in marriage and in specific church roles namely elders (who primarily lead us through regularly teaching us) are to be men. iii) Women are to play a full part across all other areas of church life including other teaching ministries iv) You believe this is a secondary order issue, and long to work together with those who believe differently to you in joyful gospel unity. 3) Your ministry: a) A humble servant-hearted leader who could provide leadership to people. b) An imaginative initiator who, while working collaboratively, will also bring fresh ideas and be capable of independent action. c) A strong administrator who, with the help of the team of volunteers, can oversee the enabling, organisation and administration of church life. d) An evangelistic pioneer who longs to see the church grow beyond its borders and churches/communities revitalised to reach the lost people of the local areas. You are someone who inspires God's people to be God's ambassadors for the gospel in the places they live, work and inhabit. e) You are committed to the clear expository teaching of the Bible, bringing a clear conservative evangelical ministry of preaching, and teaching rooted and centred in the Bible. Experience: 1) You are an ordained Anglican minister, and have completed IME2 and been signed off by the relevant Anglican authorities 2) Has worked with people of varying cultures and backgrounds. 3) Has experience of senior leadership in a church for at least 3+ years The desirable qualities of the successful candidate are: 1) Theological, Bible College or Christian Ministry training at an approved Anglican institution 2) You been involved in or have experience of church planting/fresh expressions, and or Training in Church Planting/Fresh Expressions