City Men's Worker


St Helen's Church Bishopsgate (EC3A 6AT)

Date posted: 14th September 2023
Application ends: 31st October 2023

We are looking to recruit a full-time men's worker to join our City Team. Applicants are required to have at least completed 2 years of associate training or equivalent.


Reaching, building and sending City workers with the message of Jesus Christ through various forms of personal and corporate discipleship.

Required skills

- Personal knowledge of and obedience to the Christian gospel - Biblical understanding and Bible-handling skills appropriate for the preparation and delivery of Bible studies (for both individual and in group contexts) and talks (to both Christians and non-believers) - Excellent planning and organisational skills, including the ability to give clear instructions to others - Ability to work alongside others while demonstrating Christian principles and behaviours, particularly in getting alongside diverse City workers to share your life and the gospel with them - Ability to oversee and train others biblically in Christian ministry - Experience in corporate and personal evangelism - Experience in discipling others - A willingness to pray, serve and work hard


For further information or any questions about the role, please email